How Nonprofits Can Stand Out in the Crowd with Public Relations

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4 min readSep 30, 2017


Public relations (PR) and marketing aren’t something many nonprofits see as a top priority. Many feel that diverting money toward these activities takes away from the meaningful work they do. What a shame, too, since it’s essential for a nonprofit’s success to get people talking about the cause and generate buzz, donors, and volunteers. What better way to build a good reputation than to have a solid PR strategy? Nonprofits can benefit from PR in many different ways, delivering valuable information to their audience while simultaneously generating support. If you’re interested in learning how to leverage PR for your nonprofit, read on for the benefits and best practices.

When (And Why) Nonprofit PR?

So when and why should you think about PR for your nonprofit? Right away, preferably. While it’s important to have an actual PR strategy (rather than isolated, disjointed efforts), even small non-profits without much budget can gain traction on social media and online publications. Currently, less than 5% of the average nonprofit’s budget goes toward PR and marketing, leaving a lot of missed opportunities on the table for additional support and positive branding.

Investing in PR is smart on several levels. First, if your nonprofit conducts advocacy or has information to share on an issue, different mediums like social media, radio, and magazines (both online and print) are a great way to share that information with your audience, while increasing your nonprofit’s credibility. You can also use these mediums to engage with your followers, increasing interest in your cause and broadening your reach while drawing in more donors and volunteers. Nonprofit PR is also used to launch fundraising campaigns, which can be approached in many different ways.

Digital Tools for Nonprofit PR

Today, nonprofits have so many options for creative PR at their fingertips, thanks to digital platforms and web-based tools that often have low or no associated costs.

Facebook and other social media sites are popular tools for nonprofit PR, because they’re easy to use, reach a wide audience, and allow supporters to share content with others. Other social apps, like Instagram can be great for influencer collaboration — nonprofits can partner with someone who has a large audience, and have them bring the organization’s message to that organization. Social media is also a great place for nonprofits to run challenges and campaigns in line with their messaging.

On the outreach side of things, there are some excellent websites like HARO (Help a Reporter Out), which links journalists and bloggers with sources. It’s much easier for nonprofits to find outreach opportunities when all the information is available up front. This saves time on pitching and increases chances for success.

No matter what digital tools you use, it’s important to tell a story. Connecting with the emotions of your audience is an important PR and marketing tactic, especially when it comes to soliciting support for a nonprofit.

Best Practices

Coming up with a strategy for PR doesn’t have to be difficult when you follow industry best practices. It’s all about building reputation! The good news? Nonprofits have inherent credibility, and all you need to do is build on that.

In order to build your organization’s reputation, you need to get your message straight. You may think that as a nonprofit, you have a built-in message — but you need to create your unique story and message that can be consistently delivered across all PR platforms. Consistency builds trust, and it’s important to have the same message and voice throughout your communications.

Once you have your message mapped out, and you know you can train others within the organization to use that messaging in all PR efforts, you need to decide which activities you’ll engage in on a regular basis. Decide on a schedule for posting, create a plan for outreach and fundraising campaigns, and figure in time for engaging with your audience. Consistent messaging and consistent action is what builds a nonprofit’s brand and reputation.

Online Fundraising

Online fundraising has changed the way nonprofits operate — some donations are even made via mobile devices! It’s easier than ever for nonprofits to raise funds, thanks to the Internet. The challenge now is cutting through the noise online and finding your ideal supporters on the vast web. Getting started on fundraising sites like StartSomeGood can help your audience find you and show their support. Kicking off fundraising online can help PR come full circle and give back to your nonprofit — by bringing in much-needed funds and proving its ability to create return on investment.

When does your nonprofit need PR? Simple. As soon as possible.

Resource by the University of San Francisco Online Master of Public Administration Program. You can view the full resource here.



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